Photo story

Онлайн фотографска изложба Дивите пейзажи на България

The photographic exhibition "Wild Landscapes of Bulgaria" presents 22 photographs of the young photographer Dobrin Minkov. The photos take us to the magic untouched lands of Bulgaria, showing us the dynamics of the different seasons, the elements of nature and the breathtaking views from above. The author tells about each of the places in Rila, Pirin, Rhodope Mountains and Stara Planina, which he photographed, and gives a geolocation to the description of each photo.

The exhibition allows us to immerse in foggy mornings and blood red sunsets, shows us familiar places from unknown points of view, reveals the beauty of Bulgarian nature - its raw but also gentle side, the peace and tranquility it brings. Moments of intimate connection with nature, which Dobrin Minkov captures and shares with us.

Момиче седящо на камък между растителност, съзерцаващо магичен изгрев в Рила на фона на ридове

Sunrise at Popova kapa peak. The peak is situated at 2704 m in the Rila National Park. The park was established in 1992, in order to preserve complexes of self-regulating ecosystems and their inherent species diversity, as well as habitats of rare and endangered species, which are of global importance for science and culture. There are 120 natural lakes on its territory, mostly of glacial origin.

DD 42.177806, 23.406278

Родопски ридове забулени в леки зимни мъгли
View from Parangalitsa Peak Towards South Rhodope

Parangalitsa peak is located on the territory of "Parangalitsa" Biosphere Reserve. The reserve was created to preserve centuries-old spruce forests and the habitat of many mammals and birds.

DD 42.008472, 23.400417

Момче се наслаждава на залеза и запалените в жълто мъгли
Pazar dere in fog

Pazar dere is part of Rila National Park.

DD 42.188989, 23.301198

С каяк по река Дунав около Русе през зимата
Danube River

Река Дунав и нейните влажни зони съхраняват изключително високо биоразнообразие. Те са местообитание за много застрашени животински видове и важна зона при пролетната и есeнна миграция на птиците.

DD 43.981699, 26.181893

Муратово езеро и заснежения Бъндеришки чукар
Muratovo Lake

Muratovo Lake is a glacial lake located at 2230 m above sea level at the foot of Muratov peak, located in Pirin mountain. The lake is located on the territory of Pirin National Park, whose nature reserves are part of the network of biosphere reserves under the UNESCO "Man and Biosphere" programme.

DD 41.745750, 23.405528

Пролетен планински водопад зелена трева връх мъгла, природен парк северен джендем, пейзаж България, Стара Планина
Spring in Balkan Mountain

Spring waterfall in the foot of Botev peak, highest in the Balkan mountain. The waterfall is located on the territory of the Southern Dzhendem Reserve.

DD 42.703833, 24.908861

Зимен кадър на Отовишкото било на фона на Голям и Малък Калин. Небето е прошарено от огнените цветове на залеза
Otovitsa Ridge

Sunset on the Otovitsa ridge, situated in Rila National Park.

DD 42.197583, 23.289389

Силует по изгрев на забулените от мъгла брегове на язовир Голям Беглик в Родопи
Sunrise at Beglika

Golyam Beglik is a dam located in the Western Rhodopes at an altitude around 1600 m. It is part of the "Beglika" reserve, preserving many protected and endemic plants, mammals and birds.

DD 41.797750, 24.117806

Кадифени есенни върхове в Национален Парк Централен Балкан
Balkan Mountain

Kuru dere is located within the Sokolna Reserve, located at the foot of the Triglav Massif, part of Central Balkan National Park. Central Balkan is one of the three national parks in Bulgaria. There are 9 reserves on its territory, eight of the nine nature reserves are on the UN list of Representative Protected Areas, and four of the nature reserves are included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves under the UNESCO "Man and Biosphere" programme.

DD 42.710334, 25.116625

Пролетни минзухари в Рила планина до заслон Страшното езеро
Spring Crocuses

Crocuses аrе a genus of flowering plants in the Iris family (Iridaceae). Spring crocuses are among the first flowers to bloom after the snow melts. The photo was shot near Strashnoto lake (lit. transl. "The Scary Lake") , part of Rila National Park.

DD 42.180639, 23.399528

Отражение на иглолистна гора във водите на язовир Широка поляна през пролетта
Shiroka Polyana Dam

Shiroka Polyana is a dam located in the Western Rhodope mountain at 1500 m above sea level. It is located in the protected area "Shiroka Polyana", created for the purpose of preserving a beautiful area for recreation and tourism.

DD 41.755934, 24.173918

Белоградчишките скали извисяващи се над зелена пролетна гора
Belogradchik Rocks

The Belogradchik Rocks are a group of naturally shaped colorful sandstone and conglomerate rock formations. They are located on the western slopes of the Balkan Mountains near the town of Belogradchik.

DD 43.607000, 22.667806

Каменни пирамиди и оранжев залез

Sunset at Musala peak.
Musala is the highest peak in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. It is situated in the eastern parts of Rila mountain at 2925 m above the sea level. It is part of Rila National Park.

DD 42.178806, 23.584833

Скиор във ветровито време през зимата на премката под връх Тодорка
Todorka Peak

Todorka peak is a massive granite peak in the Pirin Mountain situated at 2746 m above sea level, part of Pirin National Park.

DD 41.755444, 23.433083

Есенни родопски гори и долина забулена в ниска облачност
Autumn in the Rhodope Mountain

The valley of Vacha Dam, seen from Bekovi skali (Bekov Rocks panorama).

41.955024, 24.397815

Забулено в мъгла вековно дърво бук през есента в природен резерват Южен Джендем
The Old Beech

The centuries old forests of Central Balkan National Park.

DD 42.699917, 24.938944

Родопска овчарка и нейните кози по склоновете до село Орцево
Spring at Rhodope

This photo is from the region of Ortsevo village, one of the highest situated villages in Bulgaria.

DD 41.953525, 23.746416

Група туристи наслаждаващи се на впечатляващ зимен залез и запаленото в оранжево небе в Национален парк Рила
New Year’s Sunset

New Year's Eve Sunset above Kalinini peaks. View near Ivan Vazov hut (2300 m above sea level), part of Rila National Park.

DD 42.189472, 23.283639

Есенен кадър на родопски овчар и неговото стадо овце и кози над язовир Цанков камък, Девин
Rhodope Shepherd

The geographical and climatic characteristics of the Rhodope mountain are favorable for free livestock breeding in the open and - in this case - sheep breeding. The photo was taken near "Kehayovi" farm.

DD 41.756694, 24.452889

Зимен пейзаж от високопланински борчета, брулени от силен вятър. Природен парк Витоша
Winter at Vitosha

Vitosha Nature Park is the first protected park in Bulgaria. It is an important area preserving rare and endemic species . It is part of Natura 2000. The organized tourist movement in Bulgaria originates from Vitosha mountain.

DD 42.546765, 23.317487

Момче на хамак си почива на фона на водопад Райското пръскало през пролетта в резерват Джендема
Raysko Praskalo waterfall

Raysko Praskalo (lit. transl. "Heavenly Sprinkler") is 124.5 m in height and it is the highest waterfall in Bulgaria. It is located in the Central Balkan National Park.

DD 42.701139, 24.925417

Снежна пряспа и Вихрен по залез
Vihren Peak

Vihren peak (2914 m), highest peak of Pirin mountain. It is located on the territory of Pirin National Park.

DD 41.767194, 23.399056

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